Monday, 22 February 2016

Duster Loves Free Toys: 2 - The Orange Chip


Soooo my Orange chip is a toy I made all by my very self.

My human says I was very clever.

The story began with my human giving me a piece of orange with the skin on.  It was a special orange from Cheops Feijoas where no sprays are used so it is very safe for me.  As I was eating it I discovered that it was a very fun toy to flirt with.  So I threw it down onto the floor and decided to hide it amongst my toys so that my human couldn't throw it away.  I kept it safely hidden for quite a few days... I'd almost forgotten that it was even there!  Then when I found it again it was all dried and crispy like an taco or corn chip.

Here's how you can get one too:

  1. First get your human to take a segment of orange peel from a well washed un-waxed orange.  Ideally it would be from somewhere that doesn't use sprays like mine was.
  2. Ask your human to put it somewhere warm and dry to dry out.  By a fire, in the sun, in a dehydrator, or in the oven on low (or while it's still warm after it's been used) are all possible ways to get it to dry out.  Depending where it is it may take a few days to dry out till it's fully crisp.
  3. Now nibble, chew, play, flirt and have fun with your Orange Chip like me...

Additional Tips:
Your human could make yours any shape or size you want, or you could experiment with a different kind of citrus skin.

A hole could be made before drying so it could be threaded into toys or slid onto perches... or anything that you want.

SAFETY: Always get your human to check that it is still good before playing with it and if there is any sign of mold or something icky then throw it out and get a new one.

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