My Words and Sounds

Words, Phrases and Noises that I've learnt from Oct 2015 to Mar 2016 (Age 2 years)

Note  -  I do my own versions of those below and mix different combos or mash-ups as well.  I sometimes repeat some words like ‘pretty’ multiple times in a phrase hehehe

Allo allo allo
Winner winner
Pop goes the weasel [with sound effects]
Kisses for Rosie Posie
Rosie Posie bird [created by Duster himself]
Poopie bird [created by Duster himself]
Georgie loves you
Georgie loves kisses
I'll make it all better with kisses
Ei ei ei!!!
ch ch chchch ch ch [new noise]
Oh no!!!
Are you a peanut butter nutter?
Tweet tweet
I love you my little chicken
Hello little chicken
Where are your words?

I've also polished some of my previous phrases.

And I continues to say those I learnt earlier mixed in to new words and phrases.....

Words, Phrases and Noises that I've learnt from Jan 2015 to Oct 2015 (Age 1 year 7 months)

Okey dokey
Shake your booty yeah
Undies, undies, undies, togs!  Togs, togs, togs, undies!
You're looking very pretty today
Veggies are yum yums
Cheops Feijoas are yum! []
Cheops veggies are yum yums
Good boy Duster!
O for Awesome!
Boo! [especially when Duster lands on you or is playing hide'n'seek]
Gotcha! [after he gives you a kiss when playing a game]
Hot Diggity Dog!
Hot Diggity Boo!  I love you!
Bibbity bobity boo!
Squeeze-a-beak [learnt with permission from his friend Mango a lorikeet]
Poopie present!
Duster bird
Duster's a cheeky monkey
Cheeky cheeky cheeky monkey
[Duster can count but he now often just says]... 3
What about 1 and 2?
1 ah-ah-ah, 2 ah-ah-ah, 3 ah-ah-ah [Counts like the Count from Count Dracula off Sesame Street]
1, 2 buckle my shoe
3, 4 knock at the door
5, 6 pick up sticks
What's the word baby bird?
You're super duper
I super duper love you
Supercalidocious [Duster's version of supercalifragilisticexpialidocious]
I love you so much I wana eat you all up yum yum yum yum
Duster!  Be gentle
Kisses make the world go round
D'ya want some kisses?
Duster loves kisses
Sleepy bee bee [baby] bird
Shake it [kisses], shake it [kisses], shake it like a Polaroid picture
Sniff* [*sound] mmmm you smell yum!
Use your words baby bird
Sorry Duster
Zippity Doo Dah [especially for my caique friend Zippity DD Bird]
Zippity Doo Dah, Zippity Day
My oh my what a wonderful day
I love you, I love you!
Ohhhh yeeeah!
It's raining cats and dogs
Mine, mine, mine, mine [like the seagulls off Finding Nemo]
They're my rolled oats
Kiss my underfluffies [sounds more like underfies]
Oh la la underfluffies [sounds more like underfies]
Donald Duck
You're my best friend!
Rugby is a game of two halves [especially for the Rugby World Cup Oct 2015)
It's cake time!!!

Also working on:
Don't kick it, pass it! [especially for the Rugby World Cup Oct 2015)
Go the All Blacks! [especially for the Rugby World Cup Oct 2015)

Ei ei ei
Counting like the Count from Count Dracula off Sesame Street
Shaka laka laka laka
The sound of sniffing or huffing a bird's yummy feather smell

And I continues to say those I learnt earlier mixed in to new words and phrases.....

My Words, Phrases and Noises: 3rd Jan 2015   –   just over 9 months old

Hey pretty bird!
Wotcha doin?
What a good idea!!
Pretty, pretty, pretty
Duster’s a pretty boy
Duster’s a pretty boy-oy-oy
Duster’s a pretty bird
Pretty baby bird
Are you a cheeky monkey?
Cheeky monkey!
Are you a (cheeky) munchkin?
Be gentle, be gentle, I’m a delicate wee petal
You’re looking very pretty today
You smell yum!
Yum, yums
D’ ya want some
D’ ya want some yum-yums (or ‘Yum-yums D’ya want some’ especially when I want some)
Cuppa tea love?
Cuppa cuppa tea
She’s a pretty big job
Are you gunna be a good boy?
Good boy, good boy
Nell’s Nest babies are the best!! [where Duster was raised]
Duster loves kisses
I love you
I lo-ve you
I love you pretty gorgeous
I love you my precious
My precious [like Gollum in Lord of the Rings]
I love you pretty bird
I love you pretty boy
I love you pretty baby bird
[big kiss noise then] Big Kiss! 
[big kiss noise then] Big Kiss! Cos I love you Big time!
Shake shake
Shake shake shake your booty
I do not like Sam-I-Am
A tree, a tree!!!!!
I do not like green eggs and ham, I do not like them Sam-I-Am.  You will like them you will see, you will like them in a tree! 8

Words I’ve said but are not polished yet:
Merry Christmas

I wolf-whistle
I do a whistle used by my human and family for getting attention
I make water noise (like filling a jug or cup or sink) when my humans use water or boiling the jug, start to get cups out, or drink liquid etc
Kissing noises of different kinds

My human can’t recognise specific words hehehe but I love to do a singing and dancing routine


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Duster has an adorable vocabulary! I'm betting your interactions would be the sweetest things to watch. He's very loved. You're such a great Mama bird!

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