These are some of my tail feathers with the very longest from my tail in the middle. I actually lost the slightly smaller ones a little before but I thought you might like to see them. The two at the bottom are from the underside of my tail - some of my underfluffies hehehe:
And here are some of my wing feathers - I normally loose them in pairs (matching feathers on each side), but as you can see I've hidden some from my human hehehe:
I thought you might like to see my pretty pretty pretty blue feathers
And I have many many many white feathers of all shapes and sizes depending on where they are on my body including my floofies!!!! Some have markings on them like those that make up little bar lines on my head. The little feathers are pretty hard to find after they've exploded hehe:
I hope you've enjoyed this little tour of some of my feathers! Finally an extra special feather - one from my teeny tiny cheek spot... It's balanced on the very tip of my human's finger:
Bye bye for now... Duster